Bonbon ou Sort
It is the time of the year again where pumpkins, candies and scary decorations are everywhere with people walking around with interesting costumes and kids hunting for the treats.
This year is our first Halloween in France and the atmosphere is so different here. We were hunting for Halloween decoration but we ended up with disappointment. Unlike in Canada or US where many stores are putting shelves and shelves of never ending Halloween decorations but here we only managed to find lame lantern, skull lamp, skeleton, spider webs and stickers! Oui, c'est tout :) We were so happy when we finally found pumpkins at Carrefour and you can see Dan's pumpkins carving creation in the photo gallery above.
Apparently there is Halloween trick and treat event for kids every year in Domme, so we bought a couple of bags of candies. At 6pm, we were at Mairie's office as kids were gathering in front of the building waiting for the Halloween committees to open the trick or treat to start by throwing out candies to the crowd where kids and parents were scrambling to catch them, I never see that before :) After the candies throwing is finished, kids were walking toward houses which participate to distribute candies. We were so surprised with the number of kids who participated tonight's event, and sure enough we ran out of our candies :( Next year we promised ourselves to be more ready and go all out to put the Halloween decorations on our full renovated house :)
Speaking of the renovation, we are hoping to get the detail renovation work plan next week from our maître d'oeuvres and we are so anxious for the big work to start. More updates will come. By mean time, trick or treat? or Bon bon ou Sort? as French kids with cute costumes would ask you and we are hoping for the bon bon :)